What's Honest about a Rejects Shop?
Surplus Clothing from popular fashion retailers across the world are QUALITY graded.
1. FUNCTIONAL Grade : Clothes that may be slighlty defective (marked with an "x" sticker), but the FUNCTIONALITY remains unaffected.
2. PERFECT Grade : 'A' Grade by all international standards.

Here's the story....
A beautiful High Quality High Fashion garment was conceived, designed and produced, and of course with a lot of HUMAN effort. Owing to a small unavoidable (statistical if you may call it) error, the creation may not perfect all the time. The small error however does not affect the functionality of the garment. It could be a mistake in the label, a small yarn defect that does not matter, a print chip off that you wont mind wearing at home, or colour variation that does not make a difference because it is on your underwear.
Join us in appreciating the best use of all creation, and look outside the imperfections (human or not)